Hi guys,

Class one:

Today we will start by talking about our hobbies and any sports we practise. We will then watch a video about extreme and dangerous sports, and discuss why people enjoy them so much. We will talk about what sports you would like to try in the future, before watching a short video about two men who travel to the North Pole on foot, and the difficulties they might have.


We will then move onto part 6 of the reading exam. Students will complete a comic strip looking at various clues in the pictures and what the characters say. This will lead onto an exam task on page 14 of the book (exercises 3, 4 and 5)

Homework: page 15 exam task.

Class two:

Today we will start by checking the homework. We are going to revise speaking part 2 (describing images) before moving onto the pages 12 and 13 of the book. These relate to writing part 1, and how to write an essay. We will work through the exercises during class.

Homework: Please complete the exam task on page 13 (writing part 1) and exercise 7 on page 15.