Hi guys,

Class one:

We will work through pages 24 and 25, which relate to part 5 of the Reading and Use of English. Specifically it concerns understanding difficult words from the context. This is in preparation of the exam task on pages 26-28.

Homework: exam task on page 26-28.

Class two:

Today we will by start by talking about festivals in Spain, and how they are celebrated. We then looked an example question from part two of the writing exam (specifically the report question) and how to answer it. We are going to complete phrases that are relevant when writing a report, and a suitable structure. We will finish the class with a video about cheese rolling in the UK.


In your English class you have been discussing festivals around the world. Your tutor has asked you to write a report on a popular festival in your country that may interest other students. Your report should:

  • Describe the event, saying where and when it takes place
  • Say how popular it is and why
  • outline some changes you think should be made

Write your report in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.