Hello everyone!

On Monday we are going to continue with discussing and practicing how to write a story. We are going to do a writing workshop , for details please see the link:  https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/creative-group-writing

Also we are going to do some extra vocabulary about feelings ( strong adjectives) , i will give you a worksheet.

Homework for Wednesday ( 15.11.17) : pg 44/ exercise 5

On Wednesday we are going to practice listening and reading and Use of English. First we are going to revise how to complete reading part 6 and do the exercise from pg 30. We will discuss listening part 2 and do the exercise from pg 49 and 50.

Homework for Monday (20.11.17) pg 115/Reading and use of English Part 6+ pg 120/4 write a story.

See you in class!