Class one:
Today we started with general conversation about travel: Where you go on holiday, how often, particular experiences you’ve had of travelling and the greatest advantages of travelling abroad. Then we turned our attention to listening part 2 on page 50, which is all about meerkats (also see link below).
We completed the listening exam task and checked answered and vocabulary using the transcript in the back of the book.
Homework: Please complete the reading task 5 on page 77.
Class two:
Today we focused on Use of English part 3: word formation. We began with a word maze, to which students had to find the common rule to escape. Then we completed exercise 1a on page 71, which focuses on adding suffixes to make nouns related to people. After, students completed exercise 2, which focused on suffixes to create various word forms, before finishing the bookwork with exercise 3 on page 72. Students then worked in pairs against each other in a game of word formation connect four, in which students created nouns from verbs.
Homework: Please complete page 73, the exam task and the essay questions handed out in class. furthermore, please complete the practice tasks on pages 71 (1b) and 72 (4a and 4b)