Class one:

Today we looked at part 1: collocations and confusing words. We began by guessing the common word that completed 3 sentences, focusing on context and word form.

Then we completed exercises 2 and 3 on page 69 of the trainer book, and discussed meanings and other possible answers. To finish we looked at frequently confused words and the differences in meaning.

Confusing words quiz3

Homework: Complete the exam task on page 70

Class two:

Today we reviewed part 4 of the exam (key word transformation). We began by correcting the homework (test 1 part 4 exam task) and completed some more key word transformations as a class.

We then revised essay structure and looked at an example:

CAE formal essay writing

We also looked at speaking part 2 technique and put this into practice.

Homework: Please complete the essay question (about shopping online vs on the high street) in the document above.