Hello everyone!
Hope you had a nice long weekend, and you enjoyed Fallas.
I will post the lesson plans for the next two weeks.
Wednesday ( 21.03.18): we will revise : Reading and Use of English part 3: pg 147 and how to write a story, we will write a story together in class , pg 174 / 4 write a story. The story must begin with the following sentence: «When Chris woke up, he expected the day to be like any other one.» You must include in your story: a famous person and an invitation. If you don’t attend the class it is your responsibility to hand in the story as homework.
Monday ( 26.03.18): We will revise reading and use of English part 2/ pg 146, and writing a review. We will write a review in class about a recently read book.If you don’t attend the class it is your responsibility to hand in the review as homework.
Wednesday( 28.03.18): Conversation class, brain teasers + trivia game about Easter.
Homework: pg 145/ Reading and Use of English Part 1+ How frogs survive the cold+ write a letter
See you in class!