Today we will focus on part 2 of the use of English exam and part 2 of the speaking exam.

Students will:

  • Complete open/cloze sentences which are useful phrases for comparing and contrasting in part 2 of the speaking exam.
  • Complete a timed part 2 exam task from the use of English paper and check answers.
  • Use the speaking part 2 phrases to compare and contrast photographs in speaking part 2 exam practice.


  1. Complete Part 2 exam practice (photocopy handed out in class)

Class two:

Today we will:

Focus on parts 3 and 4 of the exam. Students will:


You see this announcement in an international magazine.

Articles wanted

Life on a desert island
Imagine you were on a desert island. What important object or place in your life would you miss most? What would be the reasons?
Write us an article answering these questions.
We will publish the best articles in the magazine.

Write your article in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.