Hi guys,
Today we will:
- Correct the homework.
- Discuss in pairs the theme of personality and the mind.
- Watch a TedEd talk about confidence: https://ed.ted.com/featured/vlxwKabO
- Look at vocabulary and phrases used to describe personality.
- Complete a listening exam part 4. This is photocopied from the Compact CAE, not the course book.
Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.
A college which you attended in the past has written to you asking to what extent its facilities met the needs of the students academically and socially.
Write a letter to the college answering these questions. Suggest areas where the college could improve facilities.
Class two:
Today we will look at Use of English part 4: Students will:
- Individually complete an exam practice, using just their knowledge and instinct.
- Work in teams to answer more part 4 questions from a Quizlet Live. Students will all see the same question but only one has the correct answer. But can they figure out which one it is?? (After each question we’ll have a chat about the grammar as this will be important later).
- Complete the same exam practice again using their (new) knowledge of the grammar.
- Complete listening exam practice on page 191.
Homework: page 111