Class 1
During the first 10-15 minutes we will go over the new prepositions learned the week before on page 10 and 11 and the connectors on page 16 and 17
Page 19/20- Use of english part 3- For all the class this will be the first time they have done a use of english part 3 therefore we will spend some time talking about suffix rules and practicing with some warm up excercises on the following link
Short talk about gliding and adventure sports ( homework use of english part 3 is related to gliding)
Homework – Page 31- Gliding- Use of english part 3
Kahoot Game- Revision of phrasal verbs
Class 2
Homework revision- Page 31
Practice training on page 22-23 and completing page 24 in class together
Speaking exam practice- speaking part 2 and 3 practice. with images on board
Homework- Page 25- Reading part 1- Anna´s story/ Writing – Current affairs article