Hi guys, in class one we revised tenses and prepositions. Students competed against each other to choose the correct past tense in a number of sentences, and we revised structure and use (past simple and continuous, present and past perfect simple). Students then talked about the Bermuda Triangle, describing what it is, what happens there and theories behind the mystery. We then watched the following video about the Bermuda Triangle and discussed how plausible the explanation was.

Students then completed the exam task on page 16 in the same quiz as earlier.

Homework: complete exercise 1 of page 16

In class two we are going to focus on writing part 2- how to write a film review. To begin, students will brainstorm different genres of films, discuss which are their favourite films, and what makes a great film. Next students will read a review of a famous film, on page 23, and answer the questions in exercise 4. We will then look at adjectives to describe films, their plots and their characters, before pairing off to plan a film review about a thriller movie.

Homework: Please complete question 1 of the exam task on page 24