Hi guys,

In class one we were focusing on the 2nd and 3rd conditional. Students revised the structure of the 2nd conditional and we spoke about what we would do in various situations. We then moved on to the 3rd conditional, in which students imagined famous people from the past had not existed, and how life would have been different.

Homework: Please complete exam task on page 75.

In class two we are going to focus on writing part 2- how to write a film review. To begin, students will brainstorm different genres of films, discuss which are their favourite films, and what makes a great film. Next students will read a review of a famous film, and answer the questions in exercise 4 (this will be on a photocopy from the compact first). We will then look at adjectives to describe films, their plots and their characters on page 88 of the Trainer book, as well as linking phrases on page 89. Finally, students will pair off to plan a film review about a thriller movie.


Film reviews wanted! The best thriller ever!

Have you seen a really exciting thriller recently? Write a review telling us about it. You should include information about the plot, the action scenes and the characters, and tell us whether you would recommend the film. The best film reviews will be posted on our website next month.