Welcome back guys!

To start the first week we will be talking about New Year’s resolutions. We will look at the origins of resolutions and talk about the most common ones. Students will be able to share their own resolutions and how successful they were. We will also read an article about why so many people fail in their resolutions and discuss this point. To finish, we will answer speaking part 4 style questions using some of the more difficult language from the reading text.

In the second class we are getting back to the book. We will be focusing on part 3 of the reading and use of English and part 2 of the listening exam. To start we will predict language that will come up in an article about the use of technology in sport, and look at word formation. Students will then complete the exam task on page 44. Moving on we will look at the listening task on page 40. As a class we will complete exercise 1, which ties in with part 3 of the use of English exam, and then look at exercise 3 before completing and checking the exam.

Homework: Please complete the exam task on page 42 and 43, as well as exercise 7 on page 43.