Welcome back guys!
This week we are starting a new topic about sport and a healthy lifestyle. Students will begin by discussing what it means to lead a healthy life, and how active they are. We will then complete exercise 1 and 4 on page 30 in pairs. Students will also work in pairs to look at the exam task on page 31. They will only receive one answer of the four possible, and will have to decide whether theirs is correct or not. We will then hear all the answers and students will decide which of the four is correct and why.
Homework: Please complete the exam task on page 34.
In the second class we are getting back to the book. We will be focusing on part 3 of the reading and use of English and part 2 of the listening exam. To start we will predict language that will come up in an article about the fast food revolution, and look at word formation. Students will then complete the exam task on page 35. Moving on we will look at the listening task on page 32. As a class we will complete exercise 2, and then look at exercise 3 before completing and checking the exam.
Homework: As the majority of students have not completed the homework that was set over Christmas, they will have this weekend to catch up.