In Monday’s class we are looking at direct and reported speech. Students completed dialogues for pictures in direct speech, and swapped with partners before changing the conversations into reported speech. We looked at the rules on page 60 and then completed exercise 4. We then played a Kahoot to practise some sentence transformations regarding this grammar point.

Homework is to complete exercise 1 and 2 on page 60.

In class two we are continuing with direct and reported speech. We will begin by discussing relationships in general and what makes a strong relationship. Then we will look at how relationships break down and what can be done to repair them. Students will then work in threes in a role play to practise reported speech. Following on we will complete exercises 5 and 7 on page 61.

Homework is to complete the exam task on page 61 and question 1 of the exam task on page 57.