Hi guys,

Here is the plan for this week.

Class one:

We will begin with a general discussion about our week and what we have been doing at home. Next, we will play a game called I Spy (Veo, veo). Students have to describe an object they can see in their house, and the other students take turns to guess the object.

We will also play a Kahoot to practise rooms and objects of the house. After each question, students have to go to the room that appeared in the question, and collect an object. However, the object is the same as another student’s, then there are no points for either person.


In class, we will each choose a country from the following list:

  • USA
  • Ireland
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Scotland
  • New Zealand

Students have to plan a short presentation about their chosen country. To help, here are some ideas about information you might include:

  • A picture showing where it is on the map
  • A picture of the country’s flag
  • What is the capital city
  • What language(s) do people speak there
  • How many people live there
  • What famous places or things can you see and do there?

Class two:

To begin class we are going to play a vocabulary game. Students have to say one word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. For example: Apple –> Elephant –> Television –> Neptune etc.

Following this, students will give their presentations about their countries.

We also have a short geography quiz to test our knowledge of the world: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/games/quizzes/quiz-whiz-geography/


In next week’s first class we are going to study comparatives and superlatives. To be prepared for the class, please watch the video, which explains all the rules about the comparatives and superlatives. To practise these types of sentences, there is also a worksheet to complete.

If students are not able to print their work, that is not a problem. Just complete the sentences in a word document, or you can write the answers on a piece of paper. We will check the answers in class next week.