This week we will continue with our topic of the environment. Here’s what we are going to do in each class:

Class One:

We will watch a story in which some school children visit the ‘Planet Earth’ museum. We will talk about what the children have learnt in each part of the museum and learn new vocabulary.

We will then do a class survey about things we do at home to protect the planet. We will practise our new vocabulary and adverbs of frequency.

Class Two:

We will start by unscrambling these sentences and answering the questions.

We will revise our vocabulary and write a poem using the word RECYCLE.

Home project

Make a robot using only recycled materials (e.g. plastic bottles, milk cartons, old newspapers, carton etc). You will present your robot in our next class. Talk about:

  • the robot’s name
  • what materials you used to make it
  • what the robot can do (e.g. help with homework or cleaning)