In class one we will talk about our families and learn vocabulary connected to this topic. We will start off with a Family Members Game to learn the vocabulary and then we will put this into practice with a Family Members Bamboozle. Students will then have the chance to describe their close family using «have/has got» and adjectives to describe appearance. Describing people

We will finish with a description game.

In class two we will look at time and routines.

We will start off practising how to say the time using an Interactive clock, before we test ourselves with a game of Stop the Clock 1.

Students will then work together to play a Telling Time Bamboozle.

We will also talk about our day and at what time we do things, e.g. wake up, go to school etc using the following games.

Daily Routines Games

ESL Fun Grammar Games, Daily Routines Action Verbs

Daily Routines, Telling the Time, ESL, Vocabulary, Grammar, Interactive Board Game