Hi guys,

This week we will begin work from the course book. 

Today we will begin class with an interactive speaking task (similar to part 3 of the exam) about our personality.

  1. How do the following reflect our personality?
    1. The job we choose
    2. The subjects we choose to study
    3. Our free-time interests
    4. The clothes we wear
    5. The friends we choose

We will then categorise personality adjectives and put these into spoken practice. Next we’ll complete at the listening task (part 4) on page 9. 

We will finish class with a Bamboozle to consolidate our knowledge of the personality adjectives.


Reading and use of english part 8 (pages 12-13)

In class two we will focus on essay writing. To begin, however, students will work in pairs or small groups to create a mini presentation on one of the following topics.

We will then look at the essay question on page 16 of the book and learn how to structure a CAE essay.

Following this we will play a Kahoot which contains lots of great linking devices to use in your essays. 


Complete the essay question on page 16