Class one

Hand back homework, discuss any issues.

Exercise 7 – P.104 speaking practice to start.

Continue with Chapter 4 – Star Quality. Various exercises on P.32-33. Listening P.34.

Speaking P.35 as a group. Describing photos.

Homework for Thursday 29th. Exercises 5 & 6 on Pages 30-31 (reading questions).

Class two

Finish Unit 4 up to page 37.

Speaking, photo describing – P.105.

Photo describing exercise. 2 photos from resources on Star Quality.

Homework: Exam Task on P.37 Writing. For Tuesday 3rd November.

  • Write a story in 100 words. The first line of the story is given below, you must complete the story.
  • “When he read the message from his friend, Matthew felt both excited and very nervous.”