Class one

Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed your time off and are feeling refreshed and energised! Today we will start unit 4 in the coursebook. We will begin by discussing the lead-in questions on page 55, and watch a short video about our dependence on technology. We will then focus on part 2 of the use of English exam, looking at activities 5, and 6 on page 59.


Complete the exam task on page 59

Class two

In class two we are continuing on with the theme of technology and the online world. Today we will begin by completing the listening task on page 60. 

Students will discuss the statements in exercise 3 on page 60, and then see the other side of the argument by watching the following video Is technology addiction a myth?. Next we will work in pairs to answer a monologue style question from the exam (as seen below)

What aspects of technological development do you find most exciting? 

  • Medical
  • Communication 
  • Workplace 
  1. What aspect of technological development do you find most worrying? 
  2. What aspects of life do you think have been made easier by the development of technology? 
  3. If you could have invented one thing, what would it be? Why?

What effect has the emergence of social media meant for the individual and society?

  • Relationships
  • Skills
  • Mental health
  1. Should companies ban their employees from using social networking sites at work?
  2. Is it possible that social networking sites make people lonelier?
  3. Are social networking sites changing our daily behaviour?

Possible vocabulary to include in your monologues. 

  • maintain social connections and support networks
  • bolster self-confidence
  • become an integral part of our daily lives
  • play a vital role in
  • social participants
  • active citizens
  • make informed decisions
  • broaden users’ horizons
  • raise awareness of
  • a mass audience
  • crack under pressure
  • facilitate conversations
  • like-minded people
  • social interaction
  • anti-social behaviour
  • have a detrimental impact on
  • newfound sense of independence
  • build meaningful relationships


  1. Report exam task on page 62. (the second question about the effects of social networking sites on college students).
  2. Please also complete page 61 (all activities)