Class one

Hi guys,

Today in class we will start a new topic on page 62.  

We will begin by discussing how to define beauty, and what makes a person beautiful. This will be done with the help of some portraits, which you’ll see in class. Then we will watch the following video: Real Beauty. Afterwards we will discuss the message of the video, and also some of the criticism it came in for.

We will then turn our attention to the book and look at adjectives to describe people. We will also complete the listening on page 63. To finish the class we will look at the vocabulary on page 64 to help prepare students for the homework. 


Complete the reading task on pages 64-65.

Class two

In class two we will start off by looking at some adjective-noun collocations on page 66 and 67. We will then complete the reading and use of English exam task on page 67, examining the grammar that comes up. 

Following on we will look at the speaking tasks on pages 69 and 70. We will work through exam techniques related to giving and asking for opinion, as well as synonymous phrases for dis/agreement. 


How can children be encouraged to read more?

  1. Make reading a compulsory lesson at school.
  2. Make e-books accessible to all families.
  3. Promote a campaign encouraging parents to read with their children.