Class 1: Tuesday 2nd November

I will collect your homework first – the writing exercise on Page 235.

Today we will do the starting off exercise for Unit 2 – Keeping in Touch, speaking in pairs. We will do exercise 1 from reading and use of English – vocabulary.

Then exercise 2 as a speaking. Talking about friendship and social media.

On page 30 we will start on the Passive. First we will watch a video to help explain the grammar, then do exercises 1, 3, & 4.

Homework due Thursday 4th: Reading exercise on page 29. Choose the correct sentences to fill in the gaps.

Class 2: Thursday 4th November

We will start today with the answers to the reading homework.

Then we will learn about ‘Hedging’ on page 31 and do some exercises on it.

Next we will start on describing your family, learning some new vocabulary and speaking in pairs. Then exercise 3.

We will finish by looking at Writing Part 2 – an email/letter. Exercises on pages 236-237 looking at a model answer.

Family and relationships Kahoot

Homework due Tuesday 9th November: Writing a letter – exercise 8 on page 237.