Lesson 1:

Hi Everyone,

Today we will be doing an exam skills workshop focussed on speaking.

We will start by looking at an exam paper and discussing the format of the exam so you are familiar with it. If you have any questions or there are any parts of the exam you find difficult, we can discuss them.

Then we will look in detail at a speaking paper.

We will then split into pairs to practice speaking.

You will take turns to be the examiner asking questions, and the candidate doing the speaking exam.

We will have a go at tasks 1-4 on the speaking exam, stopping between each part to discuss techniques.

We will then end the lesson with a kahoot quiz.

Reading homework: p. 23, reading and use of English exercise.

Lesson 2:

Today we will do a writing skills workshop.

We will start by looking at an exam paper and talking through the different questions.

First, we will focus on question 1: Essay.

We will talk through the organisation, communicative achievement, content and language needed to achieve at a high level in the exam.

We will use the Freeway FCE writing guide to do this.

We will then look at the resources on the Flow Joe website to help with exam preparation.

We will do a kahoot quiz on essay structure and vocabulary: https://create.kahoot.it/details/30f0b32c-14ad-4fc9-b93d-b21812ef3a58

In class, we will plan an answer to a practice exam essay.

We will then talk through the part 2 options and decide as a class what we need to work on for the practice exams.

Writing homework (complete by Wednesday 17th November): Write your answer to the following essay question –

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and damage to the environment. Do you think these problems can be solved?

You can send your work to freewayteachers@gmail.com, subject: Natasha

Grammar homework: p. 28 exercise 2 and 3.