Class 1: Wednesday 24th November

First I will collect your writing homework.

Today we will do a little more work on the present perfect/past simple. We will do exercises 2-4 on page 85 of the textbook.

Then Exercise 1 on page 33 – adjectives with prepositions.

Finishing with exam reading task on page 33.

Present Perfect Irregular verbs Bamboozle

Homework for Friday: Exercise 4 on page 35 – choose the correct form of the verbs.

Class 2: Friday 26th November

We will start by correcting the homework.

Next we will do an exam listening task on page 34.

We will then do a little work on speaking – comparing photographs for the speaking exam.

Present perfect Word2Word

Finishing with a Bamboozle on Present perfect or past simple

Homework due Wednesday 1st December: Exam task – writing a story, page 37. Start with the sentence: «When he read the message from his friend,, Matthew felt both excited and nervous…» Write your story in 100 words.