Wednesday 12th

Welcome back everybody! Today we will begin class by discussing our break and what we did over the holidays. We will start a new topic in the book today which is all about emotions. We will start off by completing page 44 and talking about how we feel in a variety of situations. 

We will also complete the listening activity on page 45. 

To finish the class we will play a bamboozle to revise modal verbs of ability and possibility: May, might, could | Baamboozle


Complete exercise 4 on page 46 and exercises 1 and 2 on page 126. 

Friday 14th

Today we will continue to study modal verbs- we will focus on modals for advice, obligation and prohibition on page 47. 

We will start off by talking about typical teenage problems and who they go to for advice. Following this students will work in pairs to give advice for a range of problems.

Afterwards, we will learn about modal verbs we use to indicate the rules. We will discuss school rules and what students would like to change about school rules. 

We will then make descriptions about jobs to practice modal verbs.

We will finish with a Kahoot to revise everything we learned today:
