Class 1 – Tuesday, May 3rd

We’ll take a look at more useful adverb + adjective collocations:

We will then do Listening – Part 1 exercise:

Homework: Writing – Part 1 (write an essay) about the topic of bullfighting.

Hint: Be careful about your content, language and vocabulary used as well as organization of your essay.
Content: Your content should be relevant and your reader should be informed. Please mind the word limit!
Language and vocabulary: Use a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Use linking devices appropriately (furthermore, however, in spite of, on the other hand etc.)
Organization: Your essay should be well organized and coherent. Mind the structure! (Your essay should consist of different paragraphs starting with an Introduction, then 2nd and 3rd body paragraph to express your arguments, pros and cons and finally, 4th paragraph should be a conclusion consisting of your opinion about the subject).

Find useful phrases here:

Class 2 – Thursday, May 5th

We will spend some time on techniques and ways to guess the meaning of the words from their context on pages 95 and 96.
This will also help us with a word transformation preparation for CAE exam.

Homework: CAE Reading and Use of English Part 3: Word transformation

Here are some tips to follow when attempting the Word Formation task:

  • Make sure you read the title and the complete text first before attempting to answer any questions. Having an overview of the content will sometimes help you to identify the form of missing words.
  • Decide whether the missing word is a noun, a verb, an adjective, an adverb etc.
  • Pay attention to the sentence containing the gap and decide if the missing word has a positive or negative meaning.
  • If the word is a noun does it need to be in the plural form?