Class 1 – Tuesday, May 17th

Today we will be focusing on Speaking part 2 of CAE exam.
First we’ll take a look at pictures on page 97 and do exercise 1, talking about the stages of one-minute talk.

We’ll move on to exercise 2 on the same page and focus on discourse markers and phrases that a student Lola uses to give a precise and structured answer and improve her speaking.

We’ll try to use what we have just learned and talk about the three pictures on page 97 to further practice speaking part 2.

Wrapping up with another speaking practice:

Homework: CAE Reading and Use of English – part 8

You are going to read four different opinions from leading scientists about the future of fuel. For questions 1-10, choose from the writers A-D. The writers may be chosen more than once.

Class 2 – Thursday, May 19th

Today we will start chapter 8 – On demand.

We will start by talking talking about tasks 1 and 2 on page 104. We’ll focus on vocabulary/phrases for agreeing/disagreeing and try to use them in our conversation, especially while expressing our opinions about statements in task 2.

– use file called agreeing and disagreeing –

Then we will spend more time on CAE exam – Speaking part 3 and 4 practice and do activites on page 105.

Should we have more time left, we will finish listening exercise 3 on page 106.

Homework: CAE – Part 4: Key word transformation

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. For example:

There’s a chance that Claire now doesn’t want to apply for the job.
Claire may ………………………………….. heart about applying for the job.

Answer: Claire may have had a change of heart about applying for the job.