Lesson 1:
We will start the class with a bamboozle quiz on conditionals.
Then we will do a full practice speaking exam.
We will do some reading practice on flow joe.
Next, we will do a kahoot to practice vocabulary.
We will finish the class with a game of wordshake.
Homework: unit 1 revision activities 1 and 2 on page 70.
Lesson 2:
Today we will do a writing workshop.
We will do the activities on page 96-97.
We will finish the class with a game of Apples to Apples.
Homework: write your email
You can send it to freewayteachers@gmail.com or write it on paper.
Use the PET writing guide and language checklist to help you.
B1 Language Checklist
- Phrasal verbs
- Range of different adjectives – not just good, bad, nice…
- Collocations
- Present simple
- Present continuous
- Past simple
- Past continuous
- Comparatives
- Superlatives
- Present perfect
- Future tenses – future with present simple, present continuous, going to, or will
- past perfect
- First and second conditionals
- The passive