Hi everyone,

Today we will start with the Flo Joe word bank.

We will start unit 9: The great outdoors.

We will do the reading and vocabulary activities on page 120-121.

Then we will do the speaking activities on page 122-123.

We’ll do the grammar on page 124.

We’ll do a kahoot to practice future forms.

We’ll plan the writing tasks on page 126-127.

Reading homework: page 121 exercise 5.

Writing homework: page 127 – write your essay.

You can use the FCE writing guide to help you: https://academiafreewaylanguages.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/FCE-writing-guide.pdf

You can send the work to freewayteachers@gmail.com (Natasha) or bring it to class next week.

There are 6 B2 practice exams here on page 2: https://academiafreewaylanguages.es/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/FCE-CAE-Cambridge-Exam-Resources-1.pdf