
We will focus on cleft sentences in the first part of today’s class. We will review the explanations from the videos you watched for homework, and then look at a few variations in the following PDF:


Since cleft sentences are useful when speaking and writing, we will work in pairs to complete the sentences in the PDF, as well as the following part 1 speaking questions:

  1. What sort of job would you most like to have in the future?
    • “All I have ever wanted to do was… because…”
  2. Who is the person that has had the greatest influence on you?
    • “The person who has had the greatest influence on me is…because…”
    • “It was my…who had the greatest influence on me because…”
  3. What would you consider to be your greatest achievement?
    • “What I would consider to be my greatest achievement is…because…”
  4. What possible drawbacks could shopping online have?
    • “In my opinion, it is…which is the biggest drawback…because…”
    • “What I consider to be the biggest drawbacks of online shopping are…”
  5. Have you ever had a nightmare trip? Why?
    • “Oh my god! Absolutely! So, what happened was…”
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages to owning a mobile phone?
    • “There are so many advantages to owning a mobile phone, but what I would say is the biggest advantage is… because…. 
    • On the other hand, it is…which is the biggest disadvantage. This is because…”
  7. Would you say you value the opinion of your friends or family more?
    • “Obviously both opinions are important, but the one I value more is…because…”


Watch the grammar video on page 150


Today we will learn about inversion on page 150 and the following PDF:


  1. Complete the report question on page 146
  2. Complete the part 4 exam task below: