Ben Friday 17:00 CAE 

Page 86: Speaking part 2 with modals of deduction in the past Past Modals of Deduction CAE Speaking Part 2 Then we will move on to the next unit – Broadening horizons (Unit 7).We will start by talking about intelligence and different types of intelligence.Next we will...

Ben Friday 17:00 CAE 

Today we will look at how to form sentences using the passive voice. To begin, we will watch the grammar explanation video on page 82 and complete the following sentences as a class to make sure we understand the basic passive structures. We will also look at...

Ben Friday 17:00 CAE 

Today we will begin with a roleplay in which students have to decide on a house to buy.  Next we will practise speaking part 2: We will complete the following tasks to help us prepare for a listening task and then complete the exam task: We will look at the...

Ben Friday 17:00 CAE 

Today we will:  revise relative clauses relative clauses and how we can use them with prepositions relative clauses and how we can use them with quantifiers.  We will work from page 68 of the students book and the following material: Advanced relative...

Ben CAE Friday 17:00-19:30

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely time over the festive period! Today we will start off class with some general discussion about our breaks, and also New Year’s resolutions. This will include how they started, some of the most typical resolutions, and if we...

Ben CAE Advanced

Monday As it is almost Christmas, we will get festive! We will learn some expressions related to Christmas and put them into practice with plenty of discussion on the theme of the Festive period. Tis the...