Hi guys:
Class one:
Today we reviewed the 2nd and 3rd conditionals. We started with conversation based on the second conditional questions from this Powerpoint 2nd-cond.ppt
Then we reviewed the third conditional using a second Powerpoint 3rdconditional-111216050741-phpapp01.ppt
This led onto some sentence transformation from part 4 of the use of english exam.
We finished the class with conversation activity to practise this grammar point further. balloon-debate-adv-adults (1)
Homework: Please complete question 4 and 2 on page 174 (these are both writing part 2).
Class two:
Today we worked on part 6 of the reading and use of english exam. Students re-ordered cut-up stories, and we discussed what grammar and vocabulary was important when deciding the order. We then completed exercises 1 and 3 on page 29. Finally, students worked together to complete the exam task on page 30.
Homework: Please complete exam task on page 169-170