Rachel 20th Jan: C1 Adults

Hello everyone! 🙂 Today in class we will be revising the writing structure of formal and informal letters and I will be explaining the marking scheme (See marking scheme handout). We will then look at how to do a plan for your writing in order to organise your ideas...

Rachel 20th Jan: B1 Teens

Hi everyone 🙂 Today we are dedicating our class to Martin Luther King Jr. Day!! Discussion: Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? Historical explanation from me + questions and answers. Video : "I have a Dream!" Speech, minutes 2.21-3.22:...

Rachel 20th of Jan: B2 Teens

Hi everyone 🙂 Today we are dedicating our class to Martin Luther King Jr. Day!! Reading handout: Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? Questions and answers about vocabulary and class discussion. Video : "I have a Dream!" Speech, minutes 2.21-3.22:...