Today we will start off with some general discussion related to travelling.

  • If you came into a large sum of money, what would be your ideal holiday? 
  • What are the attractions to the following holidays:
    • Mountain climbing or other adventure holidays
    • Hiking holiday 
    • African Sahara
    • Sailing holiday
    • Tourism in a far-flung country
    • Beach holiday
  • How important is a good night’s sleep on holiday? 
    • Have you ever been in a nightmare situation where you couldn’t get any shut eye? What happened?
  • Rate the following considerations when planning a holiday.
    • Cost
    • Type of travel experience
    • Destination
    • Amount of time available
    • People you go with
  • With the advent of globalisation, tourist destinations are simply becoming carbon copies of umpteen other places. How far do you agree with this? Are there any original destinations left in the world?

We will then complete the listening task on page 132.

After correcting we will study some expressions with the words ‘path’, ‘track’ and ‘road’.

Students will then complete exercise 5 page 123

Homework: 122/3 ex 3 and 4

Class two

In class two we will kick off by correcting the homework and discussing the following questions in pairs:

From where do you get information when deciding to go on holiday?

Do you use any of the following?

What are the dis/advantages of each?

  • Friends and family
  • TV travel programmes
  • Travel guides
  • Online guides / travel blogs
  • Travel agents’ recommendations

Do you prefer travelling alone or in groups? 

What are some of the benefits of traveling alone as opposed to with friends

Have you got any horror stories of travelling with other people?

We will then look at how to write an article on page 124 (exercises 1&2) and page 125 (3/4) 

We will finish off with a Kahoot to learn some phrasal verbs with the word ‘cut

Homework: complete the article writing task.