Class one

In class one we will start off by focusing on part 1 of the speaking exam, which can be found on page 17. We will listen to two students answering typical part 1 questions, and make notes of the phrases they use to introduce their own opinion. In pairs, students will then ask and answer the questions using the phrases we heard. 

Following this, we will complete a listening part 3 exam task on page 17, which is on the topic of school uniforms. 

We will finish the class with a revision game of the present perfect and present perfect continuous. 


Complete the following exam task from part 1 of the reading and use of english exam. 

Class two

Hi guys, 

Today we are looking at part 2 of the FCE speaking exam, and how to speculate about photographs using modal verbs in the present and past. We will focus on:

  • Can’t (have) to talk about impossibilities 
  • May/Might/Could (have) to talk about uncertainties
  • Must (have) to talk about things we are almost certain about

We will start out by looking at pictures of famous brits, and students have to guess who they are and why they’re famous. 

Following this we will look at the grammar of the modal verbs above and how to make sentences with it. To practise this, students are going to turn detective and will try to resolve a murder mystery! By examining clues from a crime scene, students will create a narrative to explain a mysterious death using the modal verbs of speculation to show certainty. 

We will apply everything we have learned by practising part 2 of the speaking exam in pairs. 


A film magazine has asked its readers to send in a review of a film or TV series they love:

We’d love to hear about a film or TV series you love. What is it about, and what do you particularly like and dislike about it? Would you recommend it to our readers? Why?

Write your review for the magazine. (around 140-190 words)

Ideas for writing

Ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:

  • Decide which film or Tv series you are going to describe.
  • What is the genre? Horror, thriller, comedy, romantic etc.
  • Who are the main actors?
  • What is the story? Remember, no spoilers!
  • What do you like about it? The acting, the locations, the music, the story, the special effects?

Drafting and proofreading your work

You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:

  • Does your review keep to the point? 
  • Is the language accurate with a good range of structures?
  • Will the reader enjoy reading your review?
  • Is the style OK?

Remember, to help you with your writing, you can use the Freeway writing guide!