Class 1 – Tuesday, November 23rd

Hello hello! Today we will take a look at prepositional phrases and their use on page 32 of the Student’s book. First we will explain their purpose and then we will do tasks 1, 2 and 3.

To help us with our tasks, here we have a table of useful prepositional phrases:

To finish today’s class, we will do this exercise and check our answers:

Homework: Page 32, task 4

Class 2 – Thursday, November 25th

Since Thanksgiving day is here, we will learn some idioms related to it:

Then we will continue and revise prepositional phrases we did last time, therefore we will do this exercise:

Then we will spend some time preparing for the speaking part of CAE exam – we will do activities 1-4 on page 35.

This will help us focus and identify challenges and common mistakes CAE candidates make.
For example, candidates tend to describe pictures during the part 2 speaking test. This is not the best approach as they are not asked to describe but rather compare pictures.

Useful phrases for part 2, CAE speaking exam:
 Useful link:
