Lesson 1:

Hi everyone,

Today we will start with a vocabulary activity relating to food.

Then we will do the speaking activities on page 46-48.

We will do activities 1 and 2 on page 51.

To finish, we will do a bamboozle quiz.

Homework: activity 3 on page 51.

Lesson 2:

Today we will start unit 5: study time.

We will do the starter, vocabulary and listening activities on page 52-53.

Then we will plan a review to write for homework on page 210.

We will finish the class with a kahoot.

Homework: write the review we planned in class.

You can use the FCE writing guide to help you: https://academiafreewaylanguages.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/FCE-writing-guide.pdf

You can send the work to freewayteachers@gmail.com (Natasha) or bring it to class next week.