Hi everyone,

Today we will start with the Flo Joe word bank.

We will then continue unit 5: Grab some culture.

We will do the vocabulary activities on page 74.

Then we will do the speaking activities on page 75.

We’ll do the reading tasks on page 70.

Next we’ll do the listening on page 77.

We’ll plan the writing task on page 77.

Reading homework: page 76 exam task.

Writing homework: page 77 exam task – write your review.

You can use the FCE writing guide to help you: https://academiafreewaylanguages.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/FCE-writing-guide.pdf

You can send the work to freewayteachers@gmail.com (Natasha) or bring it to class next week.

There are 6 B2 practice exams here on page 2: https://academiafreewaylanguages.es/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/FCE-CAE-Cambridge-Exam-Resources-1.pdf