Lesson 1:

Hi everyone,

Today we’ll continue unit 5 in the book:

We’ll do the grammar activities on page 47-48.

Then we’ll do the vocabulary activities on page 51.

Then we’ll do a kahoot to practice modal verbs.

We’ll play a game to practice modal verbs: https://www.lessonplansdigger.com/2016/03/13/grammar-games-advice-obligation-prohibition/

Homework: page 49 exercise 4.

Lesson 2:

Today we’ll do a vocabulary starter:

Then we’ll do the speaking activities on page 46.

Next we’ll do the vocabulary activities on page 48 and 49.

We’ll do a bamboozle on adjective with ing/ed

Next, we’ll plan a writing task for homework:

You see this notice on an English Language website.


What kind of food do you enjoy eating?
Do you prefer eating at home or in a restaurant? Why?
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it on our website.

Homework: write your acticle.


You can send the writing to freewayteachers@gmail.com (Natasha), or bring it to class next week.