
Today we will start a new topic on page 58: Surprise!

We will begin with some conversation in pairs about surprises:

  1. Have you ever received a surprise gift? What was it, and how did it make you feel?
  2. Can you share a story about a time when you surprised someone? How did they react?
  3. How do you typically react when you are caught off guard by a surprise?
  4. Do you enjoy planning surprises for others, or do you prefer being surprised yourself? Why?
  5. What’s the most memorable surprise you’ve experienced in a positive way? Why did it stand out to you?
  6. Are there any surprises you find unpleasant or dislike? Why?

Next up we will the prepositional phrases on page 58 and complete the listening on page 61.

We will finish class with a speaking game. 


Complete the reading part 6 exam task on pages 58-59


Today we will learn about modals in the past (on page 60) and play a bamboozle to consolidate them. We will also complete the part 4 reading task on page 60 in pairs. 

We will also look at the homework and revise article writing, we will then plan the writing task together.
