Jewel B1 Teens W/F 13.30

Class 1: For class today, we are going to begin prepping for the card game project. We will review the topic and then brainstorm as a class how to create the cards. Class 2: We will finish creating the cards and start playing the...

Jewel B1 Teens W/F 13.30

Class 1: Today we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day. We will start off by playing games related to the day to review vocabulary (hangman, pictionary, etc.) Then, we will do an activity using phrasal verbs to match with hearts. Lastly, they will make break up letters...

Jewel B1 Teens W/F 13.30

Class 1: We will begin the new unit about crime. We’ll start with a game to introduce the vocabulary. Then, we will complete p. 32 in the book. Lastly, we will do a speaking using the new vocabulary. Class 2: Today’s class will be dedicated to a speaking...

Jewel B1 Teens W/F 13.30

Class 1: We will start out by playing a game to introduce the new unit. Then, we will start the new unit on pg. 20-21 that talks about life events. Lastly, we will play a baamboozle. Class 2: We will start by playing a kahoot reviewing the new vocabulary. Then, the...