Jewel B1 Teens T/Th 17.20

Class 1: We will continue discussing our new unit on pg. 32. We will start off with a speaking about creativity and then complete the rest of pg. 32. After, we will play a game to review the grammar.  Class 2: We will talk...

Jewel T/Th B1 Teens 17.20

Class 1: Today we will revise how to use ‘used to’ in sentences and then begin unit 5 on page 32. We will do a speaking about things students like to make and then complete pg. 32.  Class 2: Today we will practice using our vocabulary by creating instructions on how...

Jewel B1 Teens T/Th 17.20

Class 1: Today we will be celebrating pancake day. We will start by discussing what pancake day is. Then, we will have a little party to celebrate. Class 2: Today, we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day! We will start by reviewing vocab. Then, we will discuss popular...

Jewel B1 Teens T/Th 17.20

Class 1: We will begin working on more phrasal verbs (p. 26) and complete the listening (p. 27). We will also do a speaking using the new phrasal verbs. We will finish with a game. Class 2: We will finish up our survival unit with watching a video about survivor...

Jewel B1 Teens T/Th 17.20

Class 1: We will begin by doing a review game for our new vocabulary. Then, we will do the reading and writing activities on pg. 23 in the book. Lastly, we will finish with a game of charades. Class 2: This class will be dedicated to a speaking game called Desert...