Jewel B1 Teens T/Th 17.20

Class 1: We will begin by doing a review game for our new vocabulary. Then, we will do the reading and writing activities on pg. 23 in the book. Lastly, we will finish with a game of charades. Class 2: This class will be dedicated to a speaking game called Desert...

Jewel B1 Teens Level 5 TTh 17.20

Class 1: This class we will focus on Martin Luther King Jr. We are going to watch two video clips: one of a movie trailer and the second about MLK’s famous speech. Then, we will talk about what it means to have a dream and what dreams each student has for their...

Jewel T/Th B1 Level 5 17.20

Class 1: We are going to have a debate related to Christmas. First, we will watch a short clip expressing the downsides of the holiday and then the class will be split up. Each team will have to figure out their argument and gather facts. Class 2: We are going to have...

Jewel B1 Teens T/Th 17:20

Class 1: We will start off by going over the exam marks from the listening and writing. Then we’ll correct the reading as a class. Next, we’ll start our Christmas activities by playing a game of the price is right. We’ll also speak about family...